Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Time is always a little bit skewed for me in Rexburg.  During the week everything goes by so slowly and as my mother would say, I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants.  Then when the weekend finally arrives it seems as if the week happened in a flash and it starts again all too soon!  Time has somehow made it almost the middle of the semester without me noticing.  I am pretty sure it was just last week I was saying goodbye to my family again and flying here, wasn't it?  
So far I have made some pretty good progress this semester, I have lost 7 pounds, decided I want to pursue 3D art as my emphasis, and made some bosom friends.  
I have had amazing apartments before and I have really good (best) friends, but this semester I have been lucky to find sisters in my apartment.  I love having people who understand me when I don't even have to say a word.
Having a supportive apartment (environment) is key when trying to make changes in your life.  If you don't have anyone reminding you of what you are supposed to be doing it is so much easier to fall off of the path.

I am so grateful for my real sisters and my bosom sisters who all keep me going and make life fun.  Without them I would have a much harder time finding out who I am through all of these trials.

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