Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thoughts of Love

On Thursday I woke up to a text reminding me of what valentines really means..."Remember this is a day to celebrate not hustling romantic love but love in general.  Siblings, parents, friends! So be happy!"
 I have always disliked Valentines day because I am single, but this year I thought a lot about the people and the things I love.  So here they are, the things I love (some of them)

being goofy and asking what if questions
eating delicious granola

being covered in clay and creating new things
Gold doors and jean shirts
finding cute notes from my friends
 baking and being with my sisters
going to the temple
travelling with people I love
A few other things are glitter, my cat parker and the little baby Gina puppy, reading my scriptures, snuggling, listening to music, reading a good book, camping, swimming, and just being with people I love.
I hope everyone thought of the things they love and saw the beauty all around them
(it is there, I promise)

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