Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Light a Fire

Today was the First workout for Biggest Winner this semester and all weekend I was dreading it.  I have just been feeling like I don't have the energy or motivation to get back to the gym and actually cooking food.  I may or may not have been eating fruit snacks and peanut butter cliff bars as my main meals for the past two weeks...  
I think I have just been nervous that I am going to let people down.  That I am going to let myself down  and so instead of that i would rather quit before it starts so that I never tried or failed.  The problem with this though, is I hate quitting.  Especially if someone tells me I can't I want to just say watch me and prove them so wrong their pants fall off, or I suppose in this situation my pants fall off because they are much too big.  
Want to know a secret?  I dropped about 8 pant sizes since I have started losing weight so I suppose I am doing something right.  Anyways I made it to my workout and once I was there it was great.  It feels so good to have endorphins back in me making me crazier and happier.  I am really excited for Biggest Winner and this semester to be amazing.
I think I just need to stay focused on my goals and the important things and if I can manage that everything else will fall into place.  


  1. I'm so sad I'm not helping out this semester. But you are amazing and will rock it!!!!

  2. Ashley I wish you were helping out but I did talk to Tanner and he said if they need anymore trainers he will talk to you.
