Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Finishing Up

The end of the semester is almost here and I am almost done with everything.  Some things I am happy to be done with but others I am sad to see end.  This semester I did the Biggest Winner Program at school and it was so much fun (but also so much work).
I had an amazing team, and incredible trainers.  
(most of my team and all of my trainers)
I did the program before and it was a huge help to me but my heart wasn't really in it.  I struggled with my commitment and didn't get as far as I had hoped to.  I was so hard on myself last time and I felt the same way at the beginning of this semester.
Within the first few days I decided I didn't want to et any weight goals, and instead work on how I felt and what I could do.  I think I achieved this (plus a good amount of weight loss).  There were times that I felt like I couldn't keep going and that I was going to die doing whatever workout it was but having people supporting me and telling me I can keep going made it so much easier.  
(first photo-last weekend at the closing ceremonies for biggest winner, second photo-is from October 2009)
I still have a hard time recognizing the changes I have made, especially the physical changes, but looking at photos I am finally able to see what I have done. 
Over the past three months I managed to lose 20 pounds which makes it a total of 110 pounds lost in the past two years.  I am so grateful for the changes I have made in my life and for the people that have encouraged and supported me through these changes.  I am completely different now than I was two years ago and I am feel like I am getting ready to start a new chapter in my life and leave my old worries and fears behind.  I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to and be anyone I want to be.

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